Monday, August 4, 2014


It's that time of every six weeks again! Who is going to go where?? That is the big question. Well, for me and my companion things are going to be the same for a bit. We are not moving. But most of the mission is moving around. My 'son', Elder Chilcote, the one I trained, is going to be my Zone leader now! Oh, I trained him well, didn't I? 

So we got a family to come to church! Sweet, right? The only bummer is that they are an english family and they went to the english ward. Not a huge problem or anything, it's a good thing no matter which ward or branch they go to as long as they go. :) It was a family that we met while tracting a bit ago. They are from the Micronesian islands but also lived in Hawaii. So of course my companion enjoyed talking with them. They are really humble and ready to learn more about the Restored Gospel. And to prove it, they came to church! So it is looking good.

Now, our Spanish investigators is another story. Our family that we were teaching isn't progressing too much because we haven't been able to get in with them in a bit. Mainly because the hustle and bustle of school starting this week. Oh, by the way, school starts soon for everyone. Just thought you would like to know that. :D

Not much to report as of now but there doesn't always have to be. The work of the Lord isn't crazy exciting one hundred percent of the time. I mean, look at the sons of Mosiah in the Book of Mormon. Their mission was fourteen years long but the account we have is only a smidge of what all went down! 

Stay cool in that summer heat!

-Elder Vance

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